While it is acknowledged that the audit sample was relatively small, the audit identified a number of broader issues. PSC should be the exemplar for complaint investigation within Victoria Police. This recommendation was supported by the DAU and a discipline charge notice was prepared in relation to conduct likely to bring Victoria Police into disrepute. The IBAC audit identified that human rights were not adequately dealt with in 20 of the 59 files audited (34 per cent). That report made recommendations in relation to Victoria Police complaint handling processes. However, for internal police complaints it is not generally necessary for the investigator to contact the police complainant because they are not aggrieved, do not require ongoing updates and are more likely to include all the relevant information in their initial report, minimising the need to clarify details. VIC POL STATEMENT 270422. In the course of preparing charges against a subject officer for wilful exposure, PSC became aware of other allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct by the same subject officer over a period of time. Canberra City ACT 2601. complainant failed to make or return contact with the investigator, ten files that noted reasons for delays which included liaison with police in other jurisdictions, time taken to consider reparations for the complainant, complexity of the file including subsequent counter complaints, geographical distance, pending legal proceedings or advice from the OPP and competing work pressures, three files that did not note the reasons for delays, all of which involved delays of only a few days or weeks. IBAC engaged with senior PSC officers to assist in determining the scope of the audit and ongoing assistance has been provided by PSC to provide access to files within the audits scope. This included extensions sought and granted: Based on the available information, auditors considered that 22 files involving extensions were not approved by a sufficiently ranked officer as required in the VPMG: Auditors also noted that 17 files involved extension applications that were not made before the original due date or preceding extension expired as discussed in case studies 31 and 32. Contact was made with all relevant police witnesses in 24 of the 28 complaints (86 per cent) in which a police witness was identified. Were all relevant civilian witnesses contacted? Other shorter delays were associated with internal file movements, preliminary intelligence enquiries, and other reasons that were not clear. IBACs 2016 audit of complaint handling at the regional level recommended that Victoria Police require investigation plans, investigation logs and final checklists to be completed and attached to complaint investigation files. All complaints are received, processed and classified by the PCU according to the VPM.11 Classification is important because it plays a role in determining what matters are retained by PSC, what matters are notified to IBAC, what allegations are recorded in a subject officers complaint history in ROCSID, and the time frames that apply to the investigation. Does the audit officer agree with the characterisation of the allegations? 41 Issues identified total more than eight because multiple issues were identified by supervisors in some files. Broader issues relating to other complaint classifications have been highlighted in IBACs 2016 Audit of Victoria Police complaints handling systems at regional level and were not considered to warrant further examination in relation to PSC at this time. However, from September 2017 Victoria Police started notifying IBAC of these files. The IMG states that documents should be attached chronologically from the back of the file, and should include final and interim reports, investigation plans, statements, medical reports and other relevant evidence.74. The six files that took more than 20 days to allocate included one file that took 211 days to allocate to an investigator, due in part to the fact that the subject officer was attached to PSC Investigations Division. Count of member complained against (as recorded in ROCSID), Highest ranking member complained against, Count of officers that could not be identified. Moreover, based on this evidence, auditors considered that a determination of unable to determine would be more appropriate to reflect that the available evidence does not permit the investigating officer to establish whether the complaint is true or not. Once classified, the PCU creates a file and enters preliminary details in ROCSID. People Development Command;Professional Standards Command;and Service Delivery Reform. 43 NSW Police Force 2016, Complaint Handling Guidelines, pp 42 and 60. At present, when a determination of substantiated is reached, the investigator will recommend action which could range from criminal charges to workplace guidance. The PSC investigator focused on whether the subject officer disclosed that the information came from a registered human source or simply told her partner that a crook had alleged he was dealing drugs. It goes on to note that recommended action might include management intervention, no action, admonishments, discipline charges, criminal charges, action in accordance with the VPMG, managing underperformance, and/or action on any identified deficiencies in Victoria Police premises, equipment, policies, practices or procedures.48, If a complaint raises allegations involving a criminal offence, criminal proceedings must be pursued before starting disciplinary proceedings. No other information was available on the file to indicate why the witness nominated by the complainant had not been contacted. Auditors also took the view that all but one of the 15 files that reasonably involved preliminary enquiries ultimately warranted reclassification and notification as complaints involving misconduct connected to duty, criminality not connected to duty or corruption (C3-2, C3-3 or C3-4 matters), an example of which is discussed in case study 6. The other file involved a conflict of interest at the point of issuing workplace guidance: the subject officers senior sergeant noted he was present at one incident discussed in the complaint and therefore requested that another officer provide the subject officer with workplace guidance. Was the investigation competed within the time frames set out in the VPMG? 45 Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding. maintain the ethical health of the workforce and reduce ethical risks and workplace harm. IBAC also undertakes a range of other independent oversight activities. In September 2016 IBAC published an Audit of Victoria Police complaints handling systems at regional level. Of the 46 files that formally identified at least one subject officer in ROCSID, 19 files (41 per cent) contained copies of the subject officers complaint histories, including 14 files that discussed those histories in some way. An altercation then ensued, with Officer B attacking Officer A. However, issues were identified in three cases, potentially undermining the value of those tests as suggested in case studies 13, 14 and 15. An admonishment notice was issued in relation to three files (six allegations). Auditors considered that evidence was only partially considered in five complaints. 12 Forty-six allegations (39 per cent) were characterised as malfeasance (including drug offences, criminal associations and pervert the course of justice allegations), 31 allegations (26 per cent) were characterised as assault (including serious and minor assaults) and 14 allegations (11 per cent) were characterised as duty failure. However, the man's family are disgusted with the way that he was taken into custody. . The 2016 audit also noted that it should be reinforced with investigators that a complaint should be assessed on the balance of probabilities. 39 Details on the file indicate the complaint was posted on Facebook in June 2015, however PSC was not notified until 13 October 2015, after which the DAT was conducted on 29 October 2015. Those files took between four and 24 months to complete and involved delays of between four and 240 days beyond approved extension periods. The audit did not identify any issues with the 12 outcome letters to complainants that were located on files, all of which were considered to adequately explain the results of the investigation and action taken. four complaints where the primary complainant was another agency (such as interstate police or other Victorian agency). Across all five areas, IBAC identified areas for improvement, which have informed this reports key findings and recommendations. Interpose is set up to facilitate use of a container to record notes associated with the progress of the investigation and an associated container to house documents that relate to the investigation. In that matter, a complaint involving an allegation of off-duty assault was allocated to an investigator who had three allegations of assault recorded in his complaint history (although none were substantiated). for other questionable reasons, such as loss of the file (two files). document.write("Date last reviewed: " + dateFormat("2019-03-15 04:25:22.727+0000")), Date last reviewed: 2019-03-15 04:25:22.727+0000, https://www.vic.gov.au/contactsandservices/directory?ea0_lfz149_120.&organizationalUnit&e2b6f24a-0c8e-448c-a847-7b59d5838895, Privacy Statement: While the audit identified that PSC does many things well, there is scope for improvement to ensure best practice in complaint handling and investigation by PSC. Unlike complaint investigators in regions and departments, all PSC investigators have direct access to ROCSID, allowing them to check histories directly. It operates within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under the name "Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China", and as the military branch of the central government under the name "Central Military Commission . The IMG notes that the circumstances of the investigation and the type of complaint will frequently control the order of interviews (however) as a general rule, interviews should be conducted in the following order: Of the 59 files audited, 43 (73 per cent) were recorded as automatically generated complaints.32 In instances where ROCSID recorded that the complaint was automatically generated, but also identified some other person as a complainant in any way, the other person has been counted as the primary complainant for the purpose of seeking clarification or providing outcome advice pursuant to section 172 of the Victoria Police Act. Other shorter delays were associated with internal communications, administrative issues (including loss of the file and protected disclosure assessment requirements), and the receipt of further evidence. As such, all PSC investigation reports should include commentary on the investigators consideration of the officers complaint histories. 18 Originally classified as minor misconduct, criminality or corruption. Following an investigation in which an officer stopped for erratic driving was found to have attempted to dissuade junior officers from conducting a preliminary breath test (PBT), the investigator recommended no further action. State Police Minister Lisa Neville said body-camera footage of the arrest would be reviewed by Victoria Police' Professional Standards Command, which oversees the conduct of the state's police . As a result, PSC initiated an investigation which identified six specific instances of inappropriate conduct by the male officer towards female colleagues. Before a complaint investigation commences, it is necessary to accurately identify the key allegations and subject officers, classify the complaint, allocate the file to an investigator, formally consider any conflicts of interest from the outset and develop an investigation plan. This process should ensure IBAC is notified of all work files. Numerous phone calls were made between the victim and the subject officer (the senior constable) following the burglary. This included files that contained: Interpose also has the capacity to log avenues of enquiry pursued by an investigator (such as contact made with subject officers, complainants and witnesses). However, the Tasmanian Integrity Commissions 2016 audit also noted that when substantiation rates were broken down, 44 per cent of the more serious Class 2 allegations (usually handled by PSC) were sustained, while only seven per cent of the less serious Class 1 allegations (which are usually handled at the regional level) were sustained.47. In response, Victoria Police stated the incident in question arose as a result of a lack of judgement without criminal intent on the part of the subject member. One allegation of secretion of weapons was determined as substantiated by the investigator. In March 2018 IBAC published an Audit of Victoria Polices oversight of serious incidents. Were all relevant subject officers contacted? Sixteen files (27 per cent) were identified as involving risks that required interim action. twenty-seven files that identified at least one subject officer but failed to attach the subject officers complaint histories, fifty-six files that did not attach a conflict of interest form or contain any other documents to indicate that conflicts of interest were otherwise considered, forty-seven files that did not contain a formal investigation plan, including two matters that involved the preparation of criminal or disciplinary briefs, nine of 11 files where advice was sought from the DAU but that advice was not attached, twelve files that identified a contactable complainant but did not attach a copy of the outcome letter sent to the complainant as required by section 172 of the Victoria Police Act. managing the Discipline Transformation Project which aims to streamline and simplify the complaint and discipline system to improve timeliness, proportionality and transparency whilst maintaining a remediation and victim focus. Some of these files were managed locally. An allegation of assault was initially determined to be exonerated by the investigator, who noted that the victim did not dispute that her head injuries were caused by not wearing a seatbelt during a pursuit. 54 The two files that resulted in workplace guidance without consulting the DAU involved the formal recording of workplace guidance that had occurred four years prior and action that was changed at the request of IBAC. While there is no record of the DAUs assessment of the brief, a file note from the Assistant Commissioners staff officer to the DAU indicates that the Assistant Commissioner reviewed the investigation file[and] after considering the facts and actions of [the subject officer] he has deemed that an admonishment is appropriate in the circumstances. Your duties will include: Run reports and prepare briefings. This included: Of the 59 files audited, 33 (56 per cent) involved complainants who could not be contacted either because the complaint was lodged anonymously or because the complaint was generated internally by a Victoria Police officer in the course of their work. The VPM complaint management and investigations guidelines states if action against the employee is required, the investigator should recommend that action is required. The various ways in which determinations have been applied in the audited PSC files adds further weight to the recommendation that the system of determinations should be simplified to ensure greater consistency and fairness, and to reduce the potential for ambiguity. Our focus is on preventing corrupt behaviours involving police employees. Supporting police professionalisation. If IBAC is not notified of complaints, this has the potential to limit IBACs capacity to oversight PSC files, monitor trends in complaints against police and identify Victoria Police officers attracting disproportionately high numbers of complaints. The subject officer was ultimately provided with workplace guidance in relation to the consumption of alcohol and situational awareness as a police officer. Auditors also reviewed the complaint histories of all identified subject officers to consider whether the complaint history was relevant to the current investigation. 7 Victoria Police Act 2013, s 170(1) and (3). Auditors identified a further four files in which there was no discussion or attachments to indicate that complaint histories had been considered, even though at least one subject officer had a complaint history relevant to the current complaint. informal discussion during the execution of a search warrant at the subject officers home (without any formal interview, statement or drug test). Ph: (02) 5127 2020. Investigators are generally left to identify the allegations raised in the initial complaint and any additional allegations in the course of the investigation. PSC is comprised of the following five divisions: Conduct and Professional Standards Division is the 'front door' for PSC and consists of three units: For further information about making a complaint, visit our complaints page. Of the 19 files that identified subject officers but did not contact them, the reasons for not making contact were recorded in 14 files. Auditors also disagreed with determinations made by PSC in 10 files (17 per cent) on the basis that there was either: The following case study provides an example of a matter where PSC reached a conclusion of unable to determine which was disputed by IBAC auditors. The review identified options and recommendations for improvements to Victoria Police practice and policies. 37 Victoria Police 2015, Integrity Management Guide, paragraph 157. In particular, only two of the 10 files that had a criminal or disciplinary brief attached also had an investigation plan attached. You can also complain directly to the officer-in-charge at any police station if you feel comfortable and safe doing so. IBACs audit found that the five determinations reached most often were: Taken together, these five determinations accounted for 74 per cent of all determinations. The draft key findings were provided to Victoria Police, with a full draft of the report provided to the Deputy Commissioner Capability to confirm factual accuracy. Read the stories of successful career mobility, All categories of decisions that can be reviewed, Information about Enterprise Agreement Disputes, Community of Practice for Ethics Education, Find out what we do and how to get involved. Complaint histories can also help identify welfare issues and opportunities for early intervention. While the first request for 30 days was appropriately approved by an inspector, the subsequent requests for 30, 181, 92 and 92 days were not approved by the Assistant Commissioner. In the following matters (previously discussed in case studies 22 and 23) IBAC auditors considered that PSC could have done more to support the police victims and promote a culture of integrity. Allegations that need some preliminary inquiry and assessment by PSC before a full investigation can be conducted, Includes minor assault at time of arrest, infringement notice received on duty, lower level discrimination under the Equal Opportunity Act, and lower level breaches of the Charter of Human Rights, Includes serious assault, conduct punishable by imprisonment, alcohol or drug offences on duty, improper use of LEAP or other databases, higher level discrimination under the Equal Opportunity Act, and higher level breaches of the Charter of Human Rights, Includes off-duty conduct punishable by imprisonment, off-duty alcohol or drug offences, criminal associations, and summons to court for any traffic matter, Includes encouraging others to neglect duty or to be improperly influenced in exercising any function, fabricating or falsifying evidence, using excessive force or other improper tactics to procure confession or conviction, improperly interfering with or subverting a prosecution, concealing misconduct by other officers, and engaging in serious criminal conduct. Contact. It is not clear from the file whether this recommendation was actioned by Victoria Police. There are no specific policies that set out time frames for registration, classification or allocation. a sergeant who had a proven discipline charge (from 2009) and a recent substantiated determination for predatory behaviour (from 2016). Professional Standards Command. While PSC reclassified the file on closure (837 days after the complaint was initiated), the matter was never notified to IBAC. According to auditors, 25 files (42 per cent) did not appear to have appropriately considered evidence relevant to the investigation. In those letters the subject officer was: Of the 24 files that did not contain evidence to indicate that a final outcome letter was sent to the subject officer: Timely complaint investigation and resolution is a key element of a fair and responsive complaint handling system. While appearing to conclude that the complaint could be substantiated on the balance of probabilities, the allegation was recorded as unable to determine. See ' Online forms ' on the Australian Federal Police website 'Feedback and complaints' page. allegations of serious criminality involving Victoria Police employees, allegations of serious corruption involving Victoria Police employees, issues posing a significant reputational risk to Victoria Police, oversight of deaths and serious injury to persons directly resulting from police-related incidents; including police custody, police operations, pursuits and critical incidents, allegations relating to serious breaches of Victoria Police discipline. Documents on the file indicate that the Assistant Commissioner PSC was advised the matter involved a mandatory consult under 127 but only if discipline charging. listed a determination (such as unable to determine) or other comments (such as no file) as the recommended action in ROCSID (six files). This was reflected in ROCSID as one allegation of Malfeasance Receiving/handling Stolen property. Auditors disagreed with the recommended action in nine files (15 per cent) on the basis that: In the following case study, an admonishment notice was issued for conduct that IBAC auditors considered to warrant a discipline charge. The VPM complaint management and investigations guidelines states: It is a requirement of the Victims Charter Act that complainants and members of the public who are directly involved in an incident are: The last point reflects the requirements of section 172 of the Victoria Police Act, which states that the Chief Commissioner must in writing advise the complainant of the results of the investigation and the action taken or proposed to be taken unless it would be contrary to the public interest. As well as being contrary to procedure, this lack of documentation made it difficult for auditors to assess whether extensions were justified, whether they had been approved by the appropriate officer and the length of extension that was granted. There is no reference to the likely success of criminal charges, the quality of the evidence, or the willingness of the victim to be involved. In addition, four of the remaining 12 files contained notes that indicated why the complainant was not provided with an outcome letter. The audit did not identify any matters where investigators did not contact relevant complainants and failed to note the reasons. A report was made to police about an aggravated burglary. The governance will impact the Professional Standards Command which will have force wide impact. Professional Standards Command, The role of PSC is to enhance and further promote a culture of high ethical standards throughout Victoria Police. In two of those files, specific officers were mentioned (without noting that they could be witnesses), while the third file noted that the incident occurred at a police function where attendees could have been identified, but were not. 62 VPMG, Complaint management and investigations, section 6.1. In a matter that involved a total extension period of 534 days: the first extension request was made two months after the initial 152-day time frame expired for a C3-4, the second request was made six months after the first extension expired. Identify and report on risk across multiple data sets. The absence of these documents and other material that records the reasoning behind key decisions hinders the auditing process and undermines the value of complaint files as a means of assisting police to improve practices and procedures. This would ensure an investigation addresses all relevant elements of a complaint, and explain action taken or not taken. Investigations Division investigates corruption and criminality committed by our employees and high level discipline matters involving police officers and Protective Services Officers (PSOs). However, most if not all PSC investigators have worked in other areas of Victoria Police. History Background. subject members of Victoria Police personnel (if multiple members are the subject of a complaint, it is preferable to interview all members simultaneously). This included instances where workplace guidance was recommended, when the auditors assessed that a more serious action was warranted. a driving under the influence incident in which officer B was detected driving erratically and asked the intercepting officers not to conduct a breath test. pursue available lines of inquiry to identify relevant subject officers in matters where no subject officers were listed in the investigation or ROCSID (five files). The IMG states that PSC investigators must maintain an Interpose log detailing the status and progress of a criminal investigation and use ROCSID for monthly reporting purposes.27 The IMG notes that time spent on planning is never wasted and every aspect of the investigation must be carefully considered in the first instance and states that a detailed investigation plan should be prepared and submitted to the relevant manager for approval of all investigations.28. IBACs audit therefore considered whether more general risk assessments were conducted in PSC investigations to identify issues that warranted immediate action (before completion of the investigation). On the two days of the party, the subject officer was on rest days. This decision effectively circumvented the requirement to consult with the OPP. 73 Note that the 451-day extension was approved by the then acting Assistant Commissioner PSC, noting that the file had been allocated to an investigator after the due date. The audit examined five broad areas including the investigation process, timeliness of the investigations and outcomes. While a hair sample was taken within a fortnight of notification, the time lapse between detection and testing may have impeded the accuracy of the test. This did not occur until: In circumstances where IBAC is not notified until after completion of PSCs investigation, IBACs ability to effectively oversight these matters is severely limited. Auditors noted that an investigator could then recommend that the matter be filed for intelligence if the content was considered to be of value for intelligence purposes. The Police Conduct Unit was set up for people wishing to make a complaint or compliment on service given by a particular Police Member Contact Details . This included the use of guidance notes to provide context and clarification, and regular meetings of the audit team to discuss and resolve issues. Victoria Police provides policing services to the Victorian community across 54 Police Service Areas (PSAs), within 21 divisions and four regions - North West Metro, Southern Metro, Eastern and Western. In a further two files the investigator did not contact any of the relevant complainants. The file is then assigned to the relevant investigation unit manager for allocation to an investigator. The Division is involved in a range of programs and projects under the heading "Harmful Workplace Behaviours". That guidance also notes that risk assessment must be completed for each (interim action) application and/or if circumstances change. If no: Reason for disagreeing with reclassification. 20 PSC Conduct and Professional Standards Division SOPs 2014, Version 14, section 25. for no documented reason (that is, there were no extension requests on the file and ROCSID either records the reason for the extension as admin requirement or as per monthly review or does not contain any reasons) (eight files), after the investigation report had been signed off and/or subject officer has been advised of the outcome (four files), because the investigator was on leave (three files). The Victoria Police Act states that an unsworn employee can only be directed to undergo a DAT if the person works in a designated work unit or carries out a designated work function.59 RSD was not a designated area for testing.
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